Sunday, December 2, 2007

Here Is a closer look at one of the Images from the gif, and the original photoshop painting. It is not a paint over. I used a perspective graph, then once the painting was done I used a pretty heavy film grain filter to get the security camera look. (I changed the shape of an existing photoshop chalk brush to get that Ashley Wood feel. )

Web Adventure

Wow, so busy lately... I really will get back to work soon! I did have an idea when I was riding the bus home from Seattle this Friday, A web based adventure similar to Zork, or one of those other really irritating pre-rendered puzzle games that I always hated so much. I think I hated them based on my very limited understanding of their story lines. I think they could have been really cool had they been perhaps Sci-Fi or say Zombie based... maybe.

So any way here was a gif I worked up for the Idea. It took a few hours because I lost my perspective sheets I stole from Yongwoo, and I had to make more.