Thursday, November 8, 2007

Today's sketch, I am going try and get back to doing one a day. I threw in the Alien robot for size comparison. The Ornithopter idea came to me while watching Transformers for the 5th time one Saturday, well I wasn't really watching it I was painting and just kept hitting play because I was too lazy to change the DVD player to something else. In Transformers the special forces called for air support deep in an urban landscape, I couldn't help wondering what an Apache Longbow would be like if it had legs and could come down into the streets, reposition itself to cover retreating ground forces then take off again to more needed areas of combat. I know, Inspired obviously by watching giant robots changing shapes similar to Macross or as its known here in America, Robotech. P.S. Harmony Gold i hate you for messing with what was a really cool Anime!

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