Monday, October 15, 2007

I was bored this weekend and with all the Normal map Next Gen work i really wanted to just paint a texture. This is a Low Poly human model I used to make the Marine, this time I wanted try my hand at painting human anatomy again. Please forgive the untextured ear, at the last moment I decided to make him an Elf. I also removed the hair cards... I didnt finish.


magicmoose said...

Now the next logical thing to do is make him dance!!! Brice, you never called me back! And you never visited! /fume! Gimme back my gil you top-knot noob!

Translation: Hey Brice, miss ya dude. Hope all is well =)

echoform said...

your modellng prowess intimidates top-knot noob.

Ruakar said...

The check is in the mail as always Mr Echoform.

Dotty... I.. /flee

Anonymous said...

Well, the charcter itself is just fine, you know. The body anathomy is realistic and nicely modeled..

But those pointy ears again!!! A few more ears and you can call it your trade mark :)))